Monday 24 September 2018

“Get Thee Behind Me Devil,”Pastor Tells Wife In Court

Reverend Michael Adebowale refused to continue his four-year-old loveless marriage and urged an Iseyin Customs Court in Oyo to dissolve the union.

"My wife, Ashabi, is a devil," said the middle-aged priest to the court.

Adebowale told the court that the marriage, which was made four years ago, had produced two children. "My wife is angry, I have noticed that my prayers are not really answered by God as before and I have also noticed that I live with a devil now.

"She will not go to church or pray with me, all she's specializing in is talking in the city and going to parties." I told her to get out of my house and she obeyed me ,

I want to take them completely out of my life so that I can receive "anointing" from God again, "he said." The President of the Court, Mr. Adelodun Raheem, ordered, after hearing the petitioner, that the restitutor be served with another summons Ashabi had to appear in court at the next meeting and adjourned the case until 5 October.

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