Thursday 29 August 2013

Actress Lola Alao's New Husband Is A Fraudster ; Convicted in Kuwait for Credit Card Scam

A fortnight ago when star actress, Lola Alao, got
married in far- flung Atlanta, United States of
America, USA, to Adewale Yakubu Adewale
Ajibola, the couple, literally, could not contain
their excitement.

Lola was positively glowing in her creamy
wedding dress while Yakubu sporting a bespoke
grey suit, wore a disarming smile.
Though not an opulent wedding, they exchanged
marital vows, flaunted the marriage certificate
the pictures that went viral online generated
mixed reactions.
There are fears too, solemn fears: Lola's new
hubby is plagued with an ugly past - a credit card
scam that kept him 'inside' in a Kuwaiti cell.
According to an insider, this isn't the first time
the 'Nigerian big boy' has been on the wrong side
of the law.
His claim to relevance and easy bait for
unsuspecting women who wanted love and
affection, has been his American citizenship's
status and his dashing looks, a reference to what
in Yoruba parlance is called Faworaja, (meaning
a person who lives off his looks).
When he was arrested in Kuwait for the credit
card scam, Yakubu, was able to answer the police
questions adroitly, but the authorities were not
convinced of his claim that he was innocent.
A ring of 'scammers' had some months before
his arrival, operated in the same manner and
went away with their loot in the Middle East
commercial city.
Unsuspectingly, Yakubu walked into a booby
While Wale Yakubu Ajibola, the Nigerian-born
American citizen served terms for one year, the
Big Sam turned the other cheek.
Lola, who is hell-bent on getting a husband, was
not too lucky last year when her hatched plot to
marry another Nigerian based in Europe was
thwarted by her first husband, Dare Ogunlana,
who unleashed a media attack on her.
Meanwhile, Lola found a close ally in another
actress, Bukky Wright, also married to a US-
based Nigerian, Wale Onitilo.
Lola and Bukky seem to be best friends in real
life because their chemistry comes through
Since her marriage to US-based lover and car
dealer, Dare Ogunlana, broke up, the Kogi-born
actress has met a few men but she has not been
quite lucky to have one of them put a ring on it.
Bukky, we reliably gathered has been concerned
and busy setting Lola up on dates with non-
famous friends and some buddies of her current
hubby. She wanted Lola to have her kind of
relationship that will guarantee American
citizenship status.
When Yakubu walked in, it was a willing and
desperate Lola he met and, trust her, she quickly
hung on tight. Sources disclosed that while he
was cooling his feet in the Kuwaiti authorities'
cell, Lola scampered for his release by consulting
marabouts widely.
They were constantly in touch on phone and
gradually they built the affection.
On release some months ago, after serving terms
in Kuwait for one year, she sent him a ticket to
come home, made few appearances at functions
that were private and they bonded before he
returned to the United States to prepare for the
August wedding.
While Lola has taken the highroad by walking
down the aisle with Yakubu, brimming with
broad smiles that she has found love and a good
match, observers of Nollywood marriages and
the rate at which it dissolves, feel Lola may have
finally found a big catch to perfect her plans for
an American citizenship status.
Yakubu, E24-7 MAGAZINE'S checks revealed, has
never been married but he has three kids,
including a set of twins from two women among
his strings of ladies.
From his profile, though he claimed to be an ICT
expert, he is not quite buoyant financially and
his recent incarceration in Kuwait has not
There is no record of an apartment in his name;
the newly married couple are guests in one of
the hubby's relations' house in Atlanta.
Prior to his ill-fated venture in Kuwait, he is said
to have been living off his relations in California
before life threw terrible storms at him and he
moved to Houston.
In his bid to survive, he crossed to Atlanta where
he allegedly joined the credit scam racket
popularly known as 'Track 1, Track 2'.
For Lola, it has been a tortuous and lonely
journey with her 10-year- old daughter,
Omowunmi from her first marriage with Dare.
As she stepped out from the depths of despair to
happily ever after, it is not clear if Dare will not
sue her for bigamy as their marriage
consummated in Nigeria has not been officially
Lola and Yakubu are expected in Nigeria soon.

Ajetun Blog

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